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Why Eastern Pacific Ocean has seen it’s most active Hurricane Season Record ?

Why Eastern Pacific Ocean has seen it’s most active Hurricane Season Record ?

Why Eastern Pacific Ocean has seen it’s most active Hurricane Season Record ?

Dr. Raveendran Narayanan USA writes:-

The author is World Water Researcher particularly Seawater Desalination. An unpublished 47 paper paper at Dubrovnik 2009-Conference, Croatia “Connections of Mushrooming of Desalination Systems in the Middle East and Environmental Disasters Around the World” and many published papers together a book “Environmental Rapes and Human Rights Abuses Lead to Climate Change Control” (full colors – 500 pages) publishing soon in United States.

Compared to 2009, ten percent increase in inventory of Heavy duty Seawater DESALINATION SYSTEMS in the World.

Where are the origin of these Hurricanes?

The origin of these Hurricanes are almost dead end of Eastern Pacific Ocean.

What is the Total Dissolved Salts (T.D.S.) of Seawater at almost Dead end of Eastern Pacific Ocean certain times?

Dissolved Salts at Dead end of Eastern Pacific Ocean certain times are 31,000 p.p.m. Sodium, 7,100 p.p.m. of Magnesium plus other salts including Sulfates..

Are there any heavy duty Seawater desalination Systems in the Eastern Pacific side of North and South America?

Yes, Many Heavy Duty Sea Water Desalination Systems in California and Minera Escondida SEA WATER DESALINATION PLANT, CHILE (Link photo below):

Are they dumping Concentrated Brine back to Sea

Yes, Desalination produces highly concentrated salt brine that contains other chemicals used throughout the desalination process. Steps should be taken to ensure its safe disposal.

• Water managers should avoid disposing of brine in close proximity to sensitive habitats, such as wetlands and some benthic areas.

• Water managers should carefully monitor, report, and minimize the impacts of brine disposal on the marine environment.

• More comprehensive studies are needed to determine the impacts of brine on the marine environment and to mitigate these impacts. More research is needed to fill gaps in our understanding about the impacts of seawater intakes and brine disposal on the marine environment.

• Studies should examine the sub-lethal and chronic effects of brine exposure and the toxicity of brine effluent mixtures, i.e., brine and waste water effluent.

• Studies should be conducted under a range of climatic conditions to evaluate seasonal and inter-annual differences to species response.

• Given differential response among species, more research is needed on those species found along the California coast.

• To evaluate the accuracy of existing models, comparisons are needed of early modeling efforts with field observations once the plant is in operation. Monitoring of existing and proposed desalination plants is vital to improving our understanding of the sensitivity of the marine environment and can help to promote more effective operation and design to minimize ecological and biological impacts. • Regulators should require desalination plant operators to develop adequate monitoring programs that include multiple sites, adequate replication of samples, and baseline data.

• Monitoring should account for natural seasonal and inter-annual variability.

• Monitoring data should be subject to third-party validation and be made easily available at no cost by internet in an accessible format, e.g. data files rather than PDF summaries where appropriate, to all concerned parties, including the general public

Remedy: By installing Zero Discharge Systems (Z.D.S) in desalination systems around the world we can reduce the intensities of Hurricanes.

Ten percent increase in Seawater Desalination inventory since 2009. ( water desalination inventory). By strictest regulations and enforcement install Z.D.S. otherwise there will TEN PERCENT increase in CLIMATE CALAMITIES.

ONE SHOT MANY BIRDS: via @Raveendrannaray


Other than this, in this, Ocean circulation Three more chemically infected concentrated Sea water joining in it::-

1, from Arabian Gulf

2, from Red Sea

3, from Mediterranean Sea..

So when the Ocean circulations are towards West Hurricanes in Atlantic Ocean. Moreover NASA’S Sea satellites recorded that in Caribbean Sea more concentrated salts. .If the Ocean circulations are towards East Cyclones and Typhoons.

Compared to the inventory of 2009 Desalination Systems in the World TEN percent increase.

Due to the above reasons stages are already set for future years, means intensities of Hurricanes, Cyclones and Typhoons will increase.


So Carbon di-oxide and Green House Gases (GHG) are not changing climate, but Deicers from Heavy Duty Desalination Plants.

After the Hurricane season even during winter, emphasis added, Concentrated Deicers calving Ice shelves from the base in Arctic Ocean and Antarctic Ocean.

By erecting Zero Discharge Systems in Heavy duty desalination systems around the World 🌎 capture DEICERS and stop the climatic calamities now. Hoping World Leaders, United Nations, I.P.C.C. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) EPA, Climate Scientists will access the situation and will make necessary Rules and Regulations.

New book publishing soon in USA “Environmental Rapes and H. R. Abuses Lead to Climate Change Control” (full color- 500 pages) by Dr. Raveendran Narayanan


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Dr. Raveendran Narayanan



[email protected].

Mobile- 347 666 8603

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